Metaphysical Cleanse
“Moonlight floods the whole sky
from horizon to horizon;
how much it can fill your room
depends on its windows.”
What is a Metaphysical Cleanse? Let’s start with defining the word “metaphysical.” Merriam-Webster defines it: “of, or relating to, things that are thought to exist but that cannot be seen.” This describes aspects of the human experience that we cannot see—for example, our feelings. We know anger, fears, and resentments exist but we cannot see them. Although they are not tangible we can sense them physically and, they can impact our lives on a daily basis; often in very destructive ways. Similar to the effect on our bodies when we carry excess weight, carrying around so-called “negative” feelings can make us feel lethargic, depressed, isolated, lonely, separated, upset, and unworthy.
Remember The Truth Of Who You Are
What causes human suffering? One common cause stems from the belief that we are unworthy and unlovable. This belief causes fear because if we are not enough and cannot be loved then most people conclude they will be alone and unhappy. Think about the effort and money we expend striving to be attractive enough, rich enough, and good enough—all to ensure we have happy and loving relationships, a fulfilling career, and a life worth living.
Capitalist societies strategically keep people insecure as a way to keep selling products and services. Family members (unconsciously) pass down unworthiness beliefs to control other family members, and avoid being honest with themselves about their own mental and emotional issues. People are not bad—they lead their lives based on misperceptions of the past, resulting in skewed perspectives of the present.
We were not created to suffer and lead disparaging lives! Embrace your birthright to live with joy and love—the life you truly desire.
How do we bridge the gap between feelings of lack to achieve self-actualization? Many self-healing courses address this subject; yet somehow, you found your way to this one. Coincidence? I don’t think so. In Iyasu’s Metaphysical Cleanse, I focus on teaching you how to come back to your truth—the truth of who you are. I can tell you this right now: you are worthy just being you. Your life doesn’t look the way you desire because you have forgotten who you are—not because you are deficient in any way.
Shifting your self-perceptions and perspectives can change your entire life. How? By allowing yourself to embrace the concepts outlined in this self-healing course and by following the suggestions offered here. In doing so, I believe you will discover new qualities about yourself and those around you.
Course Curriculum
How to get the most out of your lessons!
How to get the most out of your lessons!
Intro - Remember the truth of who you are & What is a Metaphysical Cleanse?
Intro - Remember the truth of who you are & What is a Metaphysical Cleanse?
Banner intro
What can a Metaphysical Cleanse do for you?
What can a Metaphysical Cleanse do for you?
Why I created this webinar
Why I created this webinar
Difference between a physical cleanse and a Metaphysical Cleanse
Difference between a physical cleanse and a Metaphysical Cleanse
Set an Intention for the proper mindset
Set an Intention for the proper mindset
100% Responsibility - Familial/Romantic/Work/Friendship Relationships
100% Responsibility Table of Contents with Time Stamps
100% Responsibility - Familial/Romantic/Work/Friendship Relationships
Nurture your vulnerable self
Nurture Your Vulnerable Self Table of Contents with Time Stamps
Nurture your vulnerable self
Living Free From Victim Mentality
Living Free From Victim Mentality Table of Contents with Time Stamps
Living Free From Victim Mentality
Daily Mindfulness Living
Daily Mindfulness LIving Table of Contents With Time Stamps
Daily Mindfulness Living
Metaphysical Cleanse & (Life) Tools
Metaphysical Cleanse & (Life) Tools
PDF Worksheet - Tools - Accept others for who they are
PDF Worksheet - Tools - Live on life's terms
PDF Worksheet - Tools - No way through but through
PDF Worksheet - Tools - Practice rigorous honesty
PDF Worksheet - Tools - It takes as long as it takes
PDF Worksheet - Tools - I cannot control the outcome
PDF Worksheet - Tools - Be grateful for the messenger
What does love have to do with letting go?
What does love have to do with letting go?
Sacredness of Iyasu's Colon Hydrotherapy
Sacredness of Iyasu's Colon Hydrotherapy
The wisdom of the body
The wisdom of the body
PDF Worksheet - Perspective shift
Issues in Tandem
Issues in Tandem
PDF Worksheets - Issues in Tandem - Anxiety _ Depression
PDF Worksheets - Issues in Tandem - Control _ Expectation
PDF Worksheets - Issues in Tandem - Fear _ Projection
PDF Worksheets - Issues in Tandem - Guilt _ Punishment
PDF Worksheets - Issues in Tandem - Resentment & Judgment
Remembering the truth of who we are
Remembering the truth of who we are
Loss, grief & stuckness
Loss, grief & stuckness
PDF Worksheets - Loss2
Our Higher Self
Our Higher Self
PDF Worksheet - Our Higher Self
Our magical, mystical brain
Our magical, mystical brain
Daily challenges
Daily challenges
Words of encouragement
Words of encouragement
You are worthy, you are love
You are worthy, you are love

Metaphysical Intuitive Healer
Stephanie Kato
True healing comes from within. So often we look outside ourselves for the love we desire.
In a moment your life can change and that moment is right now!!
True healing comes from within. So often we look outside ourselves for the love we desire.
In a moment your life can change and that moment is right now!!
Read Iyasu's Metaphysical Cleanse Rave Reviews!
linda wilks
I recently completed the "Iyasu Metaphysical Cleanse". It is an 18 chapter online self study course, created by Iyasu founder Stephanie Kato. The Cleanse...
Read MoreI recently completed the "Iyasu Metaphysical Cleanse". It is an 18 chapter online self study course, created by Iyasu founder Stephanie Kato. The Cleanse is a thoughtfully and beautifully crafted course. It is a program that teaches a step by step system; one that allows us to navigate the challenges of being a Human. And by that, I mean she has created a template for us to: 1. Release emotional material that causes us pain (in various forms). 2. Replace that pain with life affirming thoughts and behaviors that are grounded and real. 3. Develop a deeper compassion for Self and Others. 4. Move from feelings of Victimhood to Personal Power and Agency. This is a multilayered course that can be used's worth the investment. Linda Wilks, Marriage Family Therapist
Read LessHealing Our Hearts and Bodies
Kim OHara
“I came to Stephanie as a private client to recover from a surgery through several colon cleanses. What I witnessed was beyond my expectations as she shared...
Read More“I came to Stephanie as a private client to recover from a surgery through several colon cleanses. What I witnessed was beyond my expectations as she shared with me her wisdom in talking to the body, and the understanding of energy and flow. I was so thrilled I could delve more into her teachings through this Embracing Love webinar. I ordered the course at a time where I knew I was feeling congested in my body, and was not sitting still long enough to feel my emotions. I was in over-achiever mode, and just out of a romantic break up. While my life was showing me great benefits in my decisions, I was running from acknowledging my own self-love. The videos and exercises in the course provided a deeper look into why I don’t choose to honor life transitions as they occur, and the fear of what will be revealed when I know more about myself. Instead of indulging in self-criticism, I sat quietly with her course over a weekend and heard in the message to love myself, and all the answers for my best life would come to me. Thank you, Stephanie, for your commitment to healing our hearts and bodies.” - Kim O’Hara, Intuitive Book Coach
Read LessFocus on the cause, not the symptoms
Jon Talerico
Stephanie has created a beautiful course that is a guide for anyone wanting to heal. She brilliantly explains the direct correlation betw...
Read MoreStephanie has created a beautiful course that is a guide for anyone wanting to heal. She brilliantly explains the direct correlation between our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being, and how she teaches people to embrace their own well-being. This is a vital self-healing protocol for anyone choosing to heal, as so often we tend to focus on the symptoms and not the cause. Jon Talerico - CEO, Empire Media Group
Read LessReconnecting With Love, Guidance & Healing
"You won't let a little child drive the bus in your life."—Stephanie Kato This image from Stephanie Kato’s course was such a clear ...
Read More"You won't let a little child drive the bus in your life."—Stephanie Kato This image from Stephanie Kato’s course was such a clear picture for me, describing how we can become the creator of our own life and can live to the fullest—once we understand how we can look at our life and the people around us as a mirror and an opportunity to heal our past and present. Embracing Love By Letting Go is a journey of re-parenting our inner child and reconnecting with the part of us that has been waiting for love, guidance, and healing and to reclaim our own self love and self worth. Thanks to Stephanie, I am developing a new relationship with my inner child by including her more in my everyday life. This course has filled me with love and compassion, and I wish to share these feelings and this course with all of my friends. Thank you Stephanie!—Isabelle Duthu, Holistic Health Practitioner
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